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Papers review: Kepecs’ framework for decision confidence

Papers review: Kepecs’ framework for decision confidence


Adam Kepecs et al., “Neural Correlates, Computation and Behavioural Impact of Decision Confidence,” Nature 455, no. 7210 (September 2008): 227–31,

Adam Kepecs and Zachary F. Mainen, “A Computational Framework for the Study of Confidence in Humans and Animals,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367, no. 1594 (May 19, 2012): 1322–37,


  • Humans and other animals must often make decisions on the basis of imperfect evidence.
  • Lttle is/was known about how the brain computes confidence estimates about decisions.
  • Issue is explored combining behavioral analysis, computational modeling and neural recordings.

Behavioral study of confidence

Behavioral reports of confidence

  • Explicit reports (via textual or numerical ratings) are only accessible to humans.
  • Only implicit reports are possible for non-humans.

Confidence report protocols

Uncertain option

  • Add a third choice, the “uncertain option”, to the available responses.
  • Pioneered in experimental psychology nearly a century ago.
  • Has been applied to monkeys, dolphins, rats and pigeons.
  • Can be interpreted as a three-choice task solved by learning stimulus-response categories, without necessitating confidence estimations.

Uncertain option

Decline (opt-out) option

  • Add option of accepting or declining the test.
  • Has been applied to monkeys, pigeons and rats.
  • Rather than confidence, attention or motivation could explain the choice to answer or not.

Decline option

Post-decision wagering

  • The binary choice is followed by a bet on the reward. If the decision is correct, the wager amount is kept.
  • Contrary to previous protocols, both choice and confidence are obtained on each trial.

Post-decision wagering

Decision restart

  • After choice, subjects are given the option to either wait for their (potential) reward or abort the trial and start again.
  • Form of post-decision wagering suitable to animals.

Experimental task

  • Rats were trained to perform an odour categorization task, with water as a reward.
  • On each trial, a binary mixture of two pure odorants was delivered.
  • The decision difficulty was defined by the mixture ratio (50/50 = hardest).
  • A variable reward delay was introduced.

Experimental task

Task variation

To assess confidence, reward delay was increased and decision restart was added.

Task variation


Behavioral results

Computational modeling of confidence

Defining confidence

  • Confidence = estimate by the decision-maker of the probability that the decision is correct.
  • Confidence is a form of uncertainty.

Simple confidence model


  • Stimulus $s_i$ for the $i$th trial is defined as the log ratio of the odour mixture with Gaussian additive noise $\eta_{stim} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_{stim})$.
  • Choice boundary $b_i$ is fixed at 0 with additive noise $\eta_{bound} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_{bound})$.
  • Choice is computed by comparing stimulus and boundary.
  • Distance between them provides an estimate of decision confidence.

$$s_i = log \frac{[A]}{[B]} + \eta_{stim}$$

$$b_i = \eta_{bound}$$

$$c_i = { \text{left}|s_i< b_i; \text{right}|s_i \geq b_i\ }$$

$$d_i = |s_i-b_i|$$

Confidence calibration

  • The distance $d_i$ must be calibrated and normalized to become a veridical estimator of decision outcome (linear relationship with accuracy).
  • Sigmoid-like functions provide a good solution to this problem.
  • Decision confidence $\delta_i$ is defined as the result of the calibration process.
  • Decision uncertainty $\sigma_i$ is defined as its contrary.

$$\delta_i = f(d_i) = \text{tan}(|s_i-b_i|)$$

$$\sigma_i = 1 - \delta_i$$


Simple model results

Evidence accumulation model


  • This class of models is able to account for other features of behavior, such as decision time (more details).
  • In a race model, decision confidence can be estimated as the distance ${\Delta e}_i$ between the accumulators once an accumulator reaches the threshold $\theta_i$.
  • The balance of evidence $BoE$ results from the normalization of this distance.
  • Calibration is necessary to turn confidence into a veridical estimator of decision outcome.

$${BoE}_i = {\Delta e}_i/\theta_i$$

$$\delta_i = f({BoE}_i) = \frac{2}{1+ e^{\frac{1}{3}{\Delta e}_i / \theta_i}}$$


EAM model results

Neural correlates of confidence

Experimental setup

  • Single neuron activity was recorded in rats’ OFC during the olfactory mixture categorization task.
  • The analysis was focused on the reward-anticipation period, assumed to be associated with confidence estimations.

Anatomical location of recording sites


Neural results


  • The firing rates of many single neurons in the OFC of rats match closely to the predictions of confidence models.
  • These cannot be readily explained by alternative mechanisms, such as learning stimulus–outcome associations.
  • Rats not only show a neural correlate of decision confidence, but they can use such information in subsequent decisions to guide adaptive behaviour.


  • Behavioral findings, computational modeling and neural correlates were integrated into a coherent framework for decision confidence.
  • Confidence estimations may be a fundamental and ubiquitous component of decision-making in the brain.
  • Estimating the confidence in a choice is little more complex than calculating the choice itself, and within reach of non-humans.