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Confidence as hyperparameter tuning for sequential decision-making

Confidence as hyperparameter tuning for sequential decision-making


Metacognition diagram

Sequential decision-making

  • Speed/Accuracy Tradeoff.
  • Canonical model: integration of noisy information until a threshold is reached.
  • Many refinements: multi-alternative choice, impact of learning, change of mind, etc.

Confidence for decision-making

  • Quantifies the degree of certainty associated to a decision.
  • Canonical model: post-decisional computation based on accumulated info.
  • Can be used to alter the subsequent decisions.

Balance of Evidence example


Proposed architecture: confidence as hyperparameter tuning for sequential decision-making

Architecture of a confidence-regulated AI

Current & next steps

  • Article for ESANN 2025.
  • Detailed review of confidence for decision-making (future PhD chapter).
  • First experiment on very basic task.

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