Talks and presentations
Here is a list of my public talks, including research-focused presentations and participations to interdisciplinary events.
- 🇫🇷 L’IA générative : vers une déshumanisation de la culture ? (Colloque Droit et Cultures @ Université de Bordeaux)
- Papers review: Kepecs’ framework for decision confidence (Mnemosyne team meeting)
- Confidence as hyperparameter tuning for sequential decision-making (Mnemosyne team meeting)
- 🇫🇷 📄 Modéliser la confiance d’un agent décisionnel (PFIA)
- 📄 Towards confident AI (PhD students workshop @ Université de Bordeaux)
- 🇫🇷 📄 Rendre l’IA confiante, pour mieux lui faire confiance (Pint of Science)
- Confidence in decision-making (Mnemosyne team meeting)
- Introduction to the theory of decision-making (Mnemosyne team meeting)
- AI for Defence (ASSETS+ european project))